Hey Mom, CBD may be just what you need

Hey Mom, CBD may be just what you need

Posted by CBD For Life on Apr-8-2020

Quarantining or sheltering in place sounds pretty simple, but when you’re used to living life on the go and being social IRL, the adjustment can be overwhelming. Add a few stubborn kids and a precocious pet to the equation, and things can get especially challenging. Is it wine o'clock yet?

I’m a working mom with two kids. Like you, my new normal means working from home, making sure the rugrats are getting schooled, obsessively cleaning every surface in the house, and facing a steady headwind of emotions like fear, anxiety and stress (thanks, news.). While I’m starting to find my groove in this new reality, and doing my best to stay positive and strong, a little CBD support has definitely helped keep things in check. And I have a hunch, it could do the same for you. To give you a better understanding of how CBD is helping, read on…


My kids are at an age where they can manage their own schedule...or so I thought. When they were in school from 8 to 3, they were kept in check by teachers, bells and fear of being sent to the principal’s office. And now that I’m home, their wandering minds are mine to handle. To their credit, the school has done a great job of scheduling online classes and homework, but there are constant distractions at our house that the kids just don’t have at school, like cabinets of free snack food, the XBox lurking in the basement, and our incredibly cute cat (also lurking).

So, in the morning before homeschool starts and then at night once my own work is wrapped up, I take a dropperful of CBD Oil to help take the edge off. Because CBD interacts with our endocannabinoid system, it helps to bring your body into balance, stabilizing your mood, reducing anxiety and easing the “edge.” These daily doses of CBD have been particularly helpful in helping me keep my cool when assisting my child with homeschool. I mean, have you helped them with i-Ready? Who the (blank) comes up with these questions anyway?


Being cooped up at home isn’t just mentally challenging. It’s brought on a litany of physical pangs and pains, too. Let’s start with the work space. Most of us (i.e., me), don’t have a quaint, cozy home office setup, so the crumb-littered dining table and cushionless, lumbar-supportless chair is what you’ve got to work with (say goodbye to whatever good posture you had). And with all the reaching, bending and body twisting you’re doing to keep every corner of the house disinfected, your muscles are getting a whole new kind of workout. Can we also discuss assuming the role of physical education teacher? Dodgeball with an 11-year-old is no walk in the park.

To the rescue are one of these super soothing CBD Rubs. Just smooth it right over the sore spots. It works fast to help relieve aches and pains so you can get back to hunching over your laptop, cleaning toilets and playing kickball (yipee to all three) in no time.


There are times during the day that I need to be fully focused, whether it’s on work, paying bills, checking in on my parents or trying to find a local grocery store that doesn’t have me waiting three weeks for delivery. But with all the distractions that come with being home (like your entire family) it can be hard to stay the course.  

To ease the tension and help me stay focused, I treat the back of my neck and my temples to some CBD Oil Roll-On (lavender is my personal fave). It imparts a relaxing effect that allows me to stay on task and not get distracted by all of the background noise.


Let’s be honest here. Zoom happy hours are the real sanity saver. Catching up with old friends is the best part of my day (as is that gigantic glass of cabernet). But I also try to make some me-time. Whether it’s putting on headphones (noise-canceling, of course) and going for a run, or sinking into a hot bath with a CBD Bath Bomb to help soak away the day, I make sure to carve out even a sliver of the day for a sanity check-up. Think of it as extreme social distancing…from your needy kids, your crazy cat and your lurking husband, who you’re just not used to being around 24/7.

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