Proper Dosage: How much is too much CBD?

Proper Dosage: How much is too much CBD?

Posted by Victor Madril on Jun-16-2022

We get asked a lot of questions about CBD, both from new customers and people who’ve been enjoying CBD For Life products for years. And rightfully so. When you’re researching and shopping for CBD products, especially ones you ingest, it can feel like the wild west. Is it legal? Will I get high? Can it help treat my ________ ? How much do I take, and how often? And, yes, even: Can I overdose on it?

They’re all perfectly valid questions and, for the most part, have very simple answers. But let’s focus on the last one (can you overdose on CBD?) as it’s become more prevalent with more CBD Oil products popping up every day, each with their own formulations and concentrations.

What is CBD?

From a biological standpoint, CBD oil (aka cannabidiol) is a compound that’s derived from hemp and is very mild and non-intoxicating. You might feel such benefit from it that you’re tempted to take more than recommended or needed, but it won’t hook you like an addictive drug might. In fact, a 2017 Study confirmed it. Cannabidiol helps activate your endocannabinoid system which helps regulate physical and mental functions like mood, stress, sleep and pain. All without the mind-altering effects of THC, which is another type of compound, but derived from cannabis rather than hemp.

So how much CBD is too much?

That same 2017 Study also showed that when taken in excessive doses—like 1,500mg-at-once excessive—CBD is still safe, but can result in side effects like diarrhea, fatigue, nausea and dry mouth. Certainly not to be categorized as an overdose, but nonetheless, the results can be uncomfortable. The good news is that if you did accidentally ingest too much CBD, the side effects will likely wear off in a few hours.

How much CBD should you take? 

Proper dosages depend on the concentration of CBD in whatever product you’re using, so the best advice we can give is to simply follow the instructions on the label. With our CBD Oil Tinctures, we recommend working your way up to one dropperful, morning and night, under the tongue. Our tinctures have two levels of CBD concentrate: 600mg, which delivers 20mg of CBD per dose; and 1200mg, which amounts to 40mg per dose. We’ve found that these amounts help provide our customers with safe and effective relief for things like anxiety, sleep issues, muscle soreness and more. Not sure which level of CBD is right for you? Start with our 600mg potency and move up as you feel comfortable.

600mg CBD Oil
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