Smartphone addiction, or should we say obsession

With the average American spending an estimated 3 to 4 hours a day on their phone, it sure seems like it’s time for a break. But with so much of our lives tied up in technology, the idea of completely unplugging can seem incredibly daunting.

The truth is, though, living a more tech-free life doesn’t mean tossing your phone into a river or burying it in your backyard. In fact, there are little changes (think baby steps) you can make throughout the day that add up to a less plugged-in life.

Don’t know where to start? We’ve rounded up four easy ways to take yourself from plugged-in to unplugged—and they’re so simple, you’ll wonder why you haven’t tried them sooner. Read on for 4 easy ways to take a break from your cell.

Create A Nighttime Ritual

Right before bed is often when we’re on our phones the most. One of the easiest ways to nix your nighttime technology habit is to create a relaxing nighttime ritual that doesn’t involve scrolling through your smartphone. Start the phone-free process with a few drops of a CBD oil tincture under your tongue, like CBD For Life’s Hemp Tincture, which can trigger a soothing and relaxing sensation that will carry you through bedtime.

Next, nestle in with a book or magazine—as long as it’s not on your phone, it’s fair game. If reading isn’t your thing, play a little music (if it’s through your phone, be sure to put it down immediately after you select your playlist) or indulge in a soothing skincare routine. Do all of this at least one hour before lights out so you feel unplugged, unwound, and ready to drift off to sleep.

Go For A Walk Without Headphones

Go For A Walk Without Headphones

Walk down the street and you’re likely to see the same sight repeated over and over again: People with headphones or earbuds in, laser focused on getting to their next location. But there’s something to be said about getting outside and taking a walk without any digital devices. In fact, it’s one of the best ways to unplug.

While we’d like to tell you to leave your phone at home, that’s not always an option for folks with responsibilities—or for safety reasons. So at the very least, try to get out of the house or office once or twice a week for a walk without your headphones. Keep your phone in your bag or pocket, and just stroll. You may notice things that you never did when you were plugged in, be it sights or sounds, and even people. And you may find yourself smiling at strangers as you pass by, which can be an instant mood booster, say the pros.

Adjust Your Notifications

Just about every guide to unplugging will probably tell you to leave your phone in a drawer while you’re working. But, let’s be honest—that’s not always convenient or realistic for folks who need their phone to complete their jobs. So instead, try adjusting your push notifications. In your settings, turn off any pop-up notifications for apps that are distracting or that are unnecessary— like your personal email, Instagram, Facebook or Twitter. If you aren’t seeing the pop-up notifications invading your home screen every few minutes, you’ll likely be less inclined to check those apps, which means you’ll naturally be spending less time on your phone.

Make One Area Of Your Home A Tech-Free Space

If you use your phone as your alarm clock, or live in a studio apartment, it might seem impossible to take the advice to plug it in outside of your bedroom. So instead, create an area of your home that serves as a tech-free spot. It could be a piece of furniture, like your bed or a specific chair, or a room, like your kitchen or bathroom. Make sure to remember to put your phone or laptop down whenever you’re in that area. And if you find yourself bored, put another kind of stimulus within arm’s reach. Keep a magazine near the bed, or have a speaker in your kitchen to play tunes. You may soon find that you’re seeking those spots out more and more and really don’t need or want your smartphone.

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